Hi I had some ugly Cabal problems, freezes, crashes, mouse blinking , stuck on center and then crash....disconnects, all sorts of trouble.
Finally fixed it....
If any of these are happening to you, a registry fix might help you.
BACKUP THE WINDOWS FIRST!!!! IF you can, i use Acronis for making backups, in case anything goes wrong. But then i make backups regularly, and before instaling new drivers
Open the registry editor. That's done by going to Run, then type in "regedit."
In the registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management
Double click on "PagedPoolSize". Hexadecimal is listed first. Change the "Value Data" to one of these below:
Note: You only need to enter EITHER Hexadecimal or Decimal. They both are the same.
Megabytes Hexadecimal Decimal
192Mb 0c000000 201326592
256Mb 10000000 268435456
384Mb 18000000 402653184
You do not need anything bigger than 400Mb... in most cases 300Mb is too much as well. The bigger the number, the more memory you devote to the Paged Pool. I put 192 mb and it works days without crashes....well, no crashes at all since the fix.
Once you are done, make sure you reboot your computer.
Then, try the game...